Youth and Families

Is your child struggling with overwhelming worries, perfectionism, self-criticism, health anxiety, fears about judgment from others, fears about getting sick, or time consuming compulsions? I am particularly passionate about helping youth with anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I provide individual therapy to youth ages 9 and up. Depending on a child’s age, needs, and willingness to participate, I may recommend varying levels of parental involvement. I support children and teens in developing the skills needed to navigate their worries so they may persist in taking brave and meaningful actions. Along the way, I help parents learn strategies that encourage, support, and create space for children to take courageous actions and cope independently. Helping youth with anxiety re-engage with the parts of their lives that matter most has been a tremendously rewarding experience. Therapy is individualized to meet the unique goals and preferences of each client.

In addition to being a licensed psychologist, I have over a decade of experience working with youth and families.  I earned my PhD from UC Berkeley with a specialization in school psychology and worked in schools for many years.  I have a unique understanding of how mental health impacts an individual’s experience at school and I know how important it is for youth to feel successful while they are there.